WordPress WPTouch Pro Now Added

It is now 3 months ago that Lenders4U was launched (27th Dec). Earlier in the week the 100th post was also added. The post count average of 1 per day would ideally be much higher, but in the initial month there was little progress with most of the developments taking place recently. The aim is to keep the momentum going and to continue making improvements as much as possible. Another update to note has been the installation of WPTouch Pro. They offer high quality mobile optimised themes and their product has become one of the most popular WordPress plugins created (and Pro comes at a cost). It was a good idea to get this new plugin connected since Google will soon be running their mobile-friendly algorithm on April 21st. Webmasters that don’t make the necessary adjustments will lose out on rankings for anyone searching on their phones. As far as progress goes, the traffic has started to pick up more, but it could certainly be much better. Hopefully next month will be a big one for our progression.

RE: Google: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/finding-more-mobile-friendly-search.html

WordPress WPTouch Pro Now Added